6lbs 9oz and 19inches was the measurements of our little Angel when he was born. He was so small. Even the midwife said he was small for babies born at the birth center. He was right on time and very healthy. He was definitely ready to see the world. Michael has been one active baby. He got his check up 2 days after birth and the midwife was surp
Arielle just loves her baby brother. She is very protective of him and takes her turn holding him when she can. She has also given us a couple of scares and has carried him to the changing table herself and changed his diaper. It was nice that she was helping and she did a great job but I did find several baby wipes and he had obviously peed everywhere. She even took him out of his car seat and put him in the b
We have truly been blessed. Michael is a great baby and great addition to our family. We have enjoyed every moment. He is now 4wks old and now filling out his newborn clothes and can wear some 0-3mo outfits. He has also been holding up his head some and pushes off our lap with his feet. He is constantly moving his arms legs that sometimes it gets hard to change him and hold him. I'm not sure a 1 month old should be this active. We don't mind. We get to see more of his personality with him being active.
Karen has be strictly breast feeding but realized we will need to introduce a bottle at some point since she w
I never got around to sending out this bog I wrote over 6wks ago. Michael is now 3months. What a change. It a much bigger now and has baby fat rolls all over. It is now making all kinds of noise and even holding up his head while on his tummy.
Arielle is still a great big sister. She loves getting out his toys and plays and/or sings to him. Kevin is still busy with school and work. He is excited the semester is almost over. Karen is back at work. It has been nice working but of course she would rath