The last month of my pregnancy was comprised of sleeping, working, eating, and enjoying my baby grow and move around inside me. Even though I was very excited for this baby to come I was also getting excited about moving.
We moved into our new place July 31st, and our baby was born the morning of Aug. 4th. The move was timed just right.
The birth was a wonderful, bonding experience for our family. We chose to have a midwife and have the birth at a birthing center. We felt relaxed, comfortable, and well prepared.
The midwifes were so wonderful and really listened to our needs. We got to the birthing center around midnight; I was six cm dialated. I wanted to try the birthing tub. While it filled with water, we took a short walk around the park across the street. Then, I got into the birthing tub. It was really warm and made me hot. It helped with the labor, but when it came to pushing, it was too hard. I got out of the tub and delivered him in bed. The tub was just too big for me to position for pushing.
We we got out I had 4 good pushes, and he was born. We did not know what we were having at the time, and Kevin was too speechless to tell me what it was. I had to see for myself. Micheal James Zahner was born Aug. 4th at 1:56am at 6lbs 9oz and 19 inches long.
Arielle was very excited to have a baby brother.
My best friend Taren came to be with Arielle. They left for a short time but came back just in time to see Micheal right after he was born. Arielle even got to cut the umbilical cord. She ins
isted on wearing gloves and was more then happy to participate.
We stayed 2 hours after he was born and then went home to enjoy our newest addition to our family.

We moved into our new place July 31st, and our baby was born the morning of Aug. 4th. The move was timed just right.
The birth was a wonderful, bonding experience for our family. We chose to have a midwife and have the birth at a birthing center. We felt relaxed, comfortable, and well prepared.
We we got out I had 4 good pushes, and he was born. We did not know what we were having at the time, and Kevin was too speechless to tell me what it was. I had to see for myself. Micheal James Zahner was born Aug. 4th at 1:56am at 6lbs 9oz and 19 inches long.
Arielle was very excited to have a baby brother.
We stayed 2 hours after he was born and then went home to enjoy our newest addition to our family.
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